Build Core Business Skills

Build Core Business Skills

Build Core Business SkillsEmployees at all levels need to derive insights and work effectively inside and outside the organization

Our interactive, experiential programs build core business skills that deepen collaboration, increase the speed and quality of outcomes, and create a more satisfying work environment.

Business communication

  • Presence and Presentations. Through video recording and feedback, this workshop helps participants understand their strengths as a presenter and develop a more authentic executive presence.
  • Communicating Insights. This workshop goes after the pain points of business writing: too many words, too hard to find the message. Participants learn how to synthesize insights from raw information, create engaging stories that target audience needs, and develop more visually effective documents. Learn more.
  • Communications Lab. This workshop combines the two previous programs to take participants through a sprint-style experience to craft and deliver real content to real audiences.

Personal growth and team collaboration

  • Balcony Conversations. Drawing on applied research, this workshop inspires participants to make a fundamental shift in their collaboration style. Role-plays and video recording help participants find better ways to listen, increase transparency, build trust and, ultimately, make better decisions.
  • Coaching for Results, Mastery, and Growth. This workshop addresses the barriers to coaching as a manager and gives practical, step-by-step approaches for establishing and maintaining meaningful coaching relationships with direct reports.
  • Immunities to Change. Despite the commitment we feel to our goals, we often hold hidden fears or assumptions that prevent us from reaching them. This workshop explores the barriers that can prevent progress on a personal goal, unlocking more intentional choices.

Strategy and problem solving

  • Consultative Problem Solving. Participants apply frameworks and skills used by management consulting firms to tackle strategic problems. Most of the learning is done in small groups, working through a business case.
  • Engaging with Complex Problems. Participants learn to identify and address complex problems which cannot be solved by standard approaches; skills include looking for root causes and conducting iterative, learning-oriented experiments to discover emerging solutions.
  • Strategic Ideation. Teams work through a structured strategic ideation process that results in innovative and creative ideas that might otherwise never surface. Participants take away the mindset and toolkit to bring strategic ideation to their own work.

Success Stories

News & Ideas

Sharpen Top Team PerformanceWhen a group of leaders are aligned and high performing, the entire organization benefits

Coordinating the flow of communications across a leadership team is challenging, and there can often be long-standing friction around decision making and mutual accountability. Boosting trust and shared commitment is crucial.

Kenning supports top teams, offering a structured assessment of what is working well and what elements might be missing. Through high-touch diagnostics and facilitated working sessions and offsites, we help the members of a team step back to reflect on their dynamics and engage in more productive discussion.

Build Core Business SkillsEmployees at all levels need to derive insights and work effectively inside and outside the organization.

Our interactive, experiential programs build core business skills that deepen collaboration, increase the speed and quality of outcomes, and create a more satisfying work environment.

Business communication

  • Presence and Presentations. Through video recording and feedback, this workshop helps participants understand their strengths as a presenter and develop a more authentic executive presence.
  • Strategic Communications. This workshop goes after the pain points of business writing: too many words, too hard to find the message. Participants learn how to synthesize insights from raw information, create engaging stories that target audience needs, and develop more visually effective documents.
  • Communications Lab. This workshop combines the two previous programs to take participants through a sprint-style experience to craft and deliver real content to real audiences.
  • New Bullet point. This workshop combines the two previous programs to take participants through a sprint-style experience to craft and deliver real content to real audiences.

Personal growth and team collaboration

  • Balcony Conversations. Drawing on applied research, this workshop inspires participants to make a fundamental shift in their collaboration style. Role-plays and video recording help participants find better ways to listen, increase transparency, build trust and, ultimately, make better decisions.
  • Coaching for Results, Mastery, and Growth. This workshop addresses the barriers to coaching as a manager and gives practical, step-by-step approaches for establishing and maintaining meaningful coaching relationships with direct reports.
  • Immunities to Change. Despite the commitment we feel to our goals, we often hold hidden fears or assumptions that prevent us from reaching them. This workshop explores the barriers that can prevent progress on a personal goal, unlocking more intentional choices.

Success Stories

Strategy and problem solving

  • Consultative Problem Solving. Participants apply frameworks and skills used by management consulting firms to tackle strategic problems. Most of the learning is done in small groups, working through a business case.
  • Engaging with Complex Problems. Participants learn to identify and address complex problems which cannot be solved by standard approaches; skills include looking for root causes and conducting iterative, learning-oriented experiments to discover emerging solutions.
  • Strategic Ideation. Teams work through a structured strategic ideation process that results in innovative and creative ideas that might otherwise never surface. Participants take away the mindset and toolkit to bring strategic ideation to their own work.

News & Ideas