Boost Your Leadership

Boost Your Leadership

Boost Your LeadershipOne-on-one individualized leadership coaching is a powerful lever for growing as a leader

Forging Deep Partnerships

For more than two decades, Kenning has offered coaching support to leaders and rising leaders.  Clients often use the experience to reinvent themselves, their organizations, and their industries.

Kenning coaches forge deep partnerships with the people they coach, tailoring each engagement to specific needs. We draw on learning disciplines including adult development theory, sense making, and perspective taking.

Clients Benefit in Several Ways

  • They grow as individuals through transformational self-discovery that empowers them to build authentic and intentional leadership styles
  • They become great people leaders and build organizational capacity by developing and inspiring others to reach their full potential
  • They perform at the highest levels, leading and managing effectively to realize the mission and vision of their organizations and achieve business objectives.

Success Stories

News & Ideas

Sharpen Top Team PerformanceWhen a group of leaders are aligned and high performing, the entire organization benefits

Coordinating the flow of communications across a leadership team is challenging, and there can often be long-standing friction around decision making and mutual accountability. Boosting trust and shared commitment is crucial.

Kenning supports top teams, offering a structured assessment of what is working well and what elements might be missing. Through high-touch diagnostics and facilitated working sessions and offsites, we help the members of a team step back to reflect on their dynamics and engage in more productive discussion.

Boost Your LeadershipOne-on-one individualized leadership coaching is a powerful lever for growing as a leader

Forging Deep Partnerships

Clients often use the experience to reinvent themselves, their organizations, and their industries.

Drawing on decades of training and experience, Kenning coaches forge deep partnerships with the people they coach, tailoring each engagement to specific needs. We draw on learning disciplines including adult development theory, sense making, and perspective taking.

Success Stories

Clients Benefit in Several Ways

  • They grow as individuals through transformational self-discovery that empowers them to build authentic and intentional leadership styles
  • They become great people leaders and build organizational capacity by developing and inspiring others to reach their full potential
  • They perform at the highest levels, leading and managing effectively to realize the mission and vision of their organizations and achieve business objectives.

News & Ideas