August 6, 2024

The Power and Limits of AI Tools for Business Writing

On November 2, 2023, the both of us – Kenning Partners Cathy Boeckmann and Jerry Stauduhar – hosted a webinar titled, “What ChatGPT can and can’t do for business writing.”

For more than 20 years, we’ve coached business people to focus their writing on more powerful insights. And for that whole time, the best practices were basically the same. Now, we think something is fundamentally shifting.

For this webinar, we focused on providing our take on the (current) power and limits of using generative AI for business writing, based on our own hands-on experimentation.

During the session, we covered a lot of ground, including:

  • Offering examples of how AI tools can improve business writing
  • Giving tips on how to use the tools successfully
  • Describing our view on the limitations of the tools
  • Providing a point of view on when and why human skills (and judgment) are still necessary
  • Suggesting what top organizations should be investing in now

We invite you to watch a recording of the live session. And we’d love to hear from you if you have reactions and questions.


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